19 August 2015

Senior Team Mathex Challenge!

Another AWESOME activity during maths week was our senior team mathex challenge run by our very own mathex kids.
We were pushed to our limits and had to use many skills and strategies to solve the problems in our groups. Well Done Mathex kids for organising this event! It was loads of FUN!!!


  1. Matthex would have been heeps of fun!Its ashame i was away.

  2. That looks like it was a brain teasing challenge, but loads of fun, and run by the very mathex kids!

  3. Most of the questions were extremely difficult but we got past them. My group may not have won but at least we had fun.

  4. your brains must be zipping like lightning with thous questons

  5. Well done to all of the winners! You all are very smart. Also well done to all of the spot prize winners.

  6. Some of the questions were tricky but other wise fun!

  7. Well done to all of the winners! You all are very smart. Also well done to all of the spot prize winners.

  8. That looks like fun what maths questions were there!

  9. Thank you mathex team for having mini mathex! These tasks were really hard but your ones would of been harder!

  10. Thanks for making the dat happen mathex kids. Some really challenging questions that helped me think. Well done to the people who got a prize.
