21 June 2019

National Geographic Magazine Covers

As part of our 'what's out there?' unit, we did some learning about different kinds of stars. To display this learning, we created our own National Geographic Magazine covers.

14 June 2019

Rippa Rugby

Our large ball skill rotation is well underway. This week we did Rippa Rugby with Miss Simpson! We learned some new skills and had a fun time! 

11 June 2019

Buddy class Week 6

On Friday, we enjoyed some time with our buddy class, looking at their beautiful art and doing some music. It was good fun seeing what our little buddies have been up to and making and playing music with them!

06 June 2019


It is CRAZY DAY here at Halcombe School and we have kicked off with a parade to show off our crazy crazy costumes! Aren't we looking fabulous?!