22 March 2019

Turbos Visit

This week we had a visit from a couple of Turbo rugby players. They took a training session with out rippa rugy teams. The kids had an awesome time, learnt some great skills and played some great rippa!

18 March 2019

Learning to read maps!

Over a few days, we have been learning how to read maps.
As part of inquiry learning this term, we mapped all of our favourite swim spots in the Manawatu/Rangetiki regions.

As a class we are currently reading 'The Secret Garden' and in the book Mary, the main character, travels from India to the United Kingdom to live with her uncle. So again we got out the atlas' and found these 2 countries. We also looked at how far apart they were and we discussed how long Mary's journey might have been (by steam train).

We all found looking at maps and atlas' really interesting and we even managed to map lots of places that our class members have been in the world! This was really fun exploring and looking the countries of the world.

Fun swimming sports!

To finish up the swimming season, we had our annual fun swimming sports. As always there was so much fantastic house spirit and it was an awesome afternoon full of fun and laughs!

What better way to end the summer?!

Senior Swimming Sports

Our annual senior swimming sports was an absolute hit again this year! The weather was perfect, the kids swam amazingly well and all showed off their best swimming skills. There was some awesome individual and team performances on display and the staff were really proud of all the kids! 

A special Thanks to Mr Blanchard for his amazing photography!

Delicious Spiders!

We had the most amazing spiders made by the Year 8s from Totara House! They were a delicious treat to have on such a nice warm sunny day!