06 May 2016

Successful Circle Time

On Tuesday, Mrs Harris came and taught us how to learn without any books or pens. We learnt about circle time where we use the most powerful computer in the world..... OUR BRAIN!

We are going to be participating in circle time each week, this term, to learn and engage with our values (AAA) and practice our key competencies.

Some of the things we learnt were that you don't always need to speak with words to communicate, there is many different ways to find a partner e.g. finding the other half to a post card, and we learnt different ways to greet each other without speaking. We certainly enjoyed rubbing elbows to say hello.

We enjoyed learning valuable skills through playing multiple games, making silent statements, playing a name game and noticing other peoples successes throughout the session.

We are looking forward to circle time, next week!!

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